The accredited laboratory AQCLab collaborates with the Faculty of Informatics of the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca in the new edition of the Master en Dirección en Tecnología (Master in Technology Management).
The Master in Technology Management was created as an evolution of the Master in Management and Management of Technological Projects. The success of this master's degree and the good reception and opinion among the students who have taken it, has led us to continue working for its improvement, expanding its training in some areas, as well as incorporating new ones. Among its innovations is the training in the management of innovation and R&D&I projects, and its alignment to business needs.
Companies and organizations develop their activities in an increasingly technological world, so it is very important to know how to manage and direct projects and services related to technology, so that these are aligned with the objectives and business strategy and respond to their needs.
This master's degree provides an integral training in the direction and management of projects and services in technology, as well as the human teams that integrate them.
This includes, among others, aspects related to quality, regulation, human resources management, agile and predictive methodologies, innovation, safety, consulting, auditing, and with special interest in the training and preparation of the most demanded CERTIFICATIONS in the area: PMP PMI , PRINCE2, Agile Scrum, ITIL, as well as CISA and COBIT from ISACA.
In the following link you can find a brochure with more information about the Master.
For all those interested, you can enroll in the following link.