ComputerWorld University

After the first success cases with the MAMD data process management model and the evaluation of data quality in conformane to ISO/IEC 25000, which led to the issue of the first certificate to ICEMD, ComputerWorld University conducts an interview to our scientific director Mario Piattini in which they talk about the models defined in collaboration between AENOR, AQCLab and DQTeam for evaluating, improving and certifying data quality.

In the interview, focused on the relevance of Data as the most important asset of an organization, it is also discussed the growing importance that data is acquiring with the new SMACT technologies (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Big Data, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things) and digital transformation, every day more present in organizations.

Another point that is debated is the need to manage data quality and implement data governance in order to ensure that data is reliable and that processes where data is managemd and used are aligned with the objectives of the organization, as well as as the role of the CDO (Chief Data Officer) as responsible for said quality and governance of the data.

You can listen to the interview (in Spanish) in ComputerWorld University.


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