
Pro Investment Development Advisors - Pro Ideas is the first Peruvian and Latin American entity to obtain the AENOR certificate in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000 - Functional Suitability for its product ProEducative 3.0. In the evaluation of the Functional Adequacy carried out by the accredited laboratory AQCLab, ProEducative reached a quality mark of 4 (out of 5).

We at AQCLab want to congratulate Pro Investment Development Advisors for being the first entity in Peru and Latin America to obtain the software product quality certificate in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000.

The product ProEducative, iis an intelligent virtual educational administration platform to improve the learning process of in-person, synchronous virtual and asynchronous virtual educational systems, for the management of training in companies. ProEducative allows for the management of face-to-face, blended and virtual courses within an interactive web environment, with applications that allow students to study from anywhere, closely monitoring progress, performance and periodicity.


The certification in Functional Adequacy provides the following benefits:

  • Ensuring that your product meets the needs of your customers.
  • Reduction of errors in the deployed product.
  • Better customer confidence and satisfaction.

You can obtain more information about our software quality evaluation services by contacting us through our form.


phone 20 +34 676 97 57 83

correo 20 contacto@aqclab.es

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