The product Olucaro Dashboard, developed by Sicaman-NT has obtained the ISO/IEC 25000 certificate for Functional Suitability. Sicaman-NT has participated in the certification as developer of the Olucaro Dashboard software product, AENOR as issuer of the certificate, and AQCLab as the evaluation laboratory, also providing support in the improvement of product quality in order to achieve the ISO/IEC 25000 certification.
Olucaro dashboard is a business dashboard management tool based on the "Balanced scorecard" methodology, with the objective of controlling an organization's processes (finance, commercial, operations, human resources...) based on defined objectives and indicators. It provides the following features:
Create dashboards with graphic elements to intuitively identify the evolution of business objectives and indicators.
Export the dashboards to Excel format for use in other systems and update them from autogenerated Excel templates to ease massive updates of data.
Communicate with an online private chat and a notification system that improves the comunication amongs people involved in the management of the indicators.
Share objectives and indicators of the dashboard with different users, easing collaborative work.
Attach and share documents of any kind and relating tthem to the indicators of the Dashboard, easing the access, guaranteeing that all users manage the same information and ensuring the consistency of the data and the indicators used.
Functional Suitability evaluation allows to assure potential customers that the software product evaluated complies completely and correctly with its requirements specification, thus helping to improve customer confidence and satisfaction, and providing a differentiating element from its competition.
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