CGM Clinical España has obtained the certification of conformance to ISO/IEC 25000 Functional Suitability for their software product CGM Selene Discern. The certificate has been issued by AENOR after the evaluation from AQCLab, in which Selene Discern achieved the maximum quality level rating (level 5).
This is another case of software product evaluation and certification carried out through the collaboration between AENOR, AQCLab and the developer CGM Clinical España, in which the software product quality evaluation and certification process has been followed in order to achieve certification in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000 for their product Selene Discern.
CGM Selene Discern is a clinical workflow system that can be integrated into the CGM Selene hospital management and Electronic Health Record system. Its objective is to optimize hospital workflows, both clinical and administrative, reduce execution times and improve efficiency in communication between teams, patient safety and documentation quality.
Discern is conceived as a decision support system, which allows the definition and monitoring of patient workflows that are triggered by rules. The workflows defined by Discern guide the user through a protocolized treatment given a set of patient conditions. The rules that trigger the workflows can be defined based on conditions related to indicator values or events occurring in the system (receipt of laboratory or vital signs indicators, admissions, discharges, pre-discharges, transfers, etc.).
The Functional Suitability evaluation aims to assure users and customers that the software product being evaluated fully and correctly meets the requirements specified for it, thus helping to improve confidence and satisfaction, and providing a differentiating element with respect to its competitors.