Mario Piattini, scientific director of AQCLab has participated in the Transforming Lighting 2021 Dialogues, a pioneering meeting and dissemination platform for companies in the lighting sector. It is a hybrid format event that combines the power of digital mass communication channels with the interaction of a face-to-face event.
Transforming Lighting aims to connect lighting with other strategic sectors to share experiences among experts in a hybrid environment. In this context, Digital Transformation is one of the great challenges that companies have been facing for many years.
Generating confidence in companies immersed in these digitalisation processes is one of the key issues addressed in the "Diálogos más allá de la ilumninación" (Dialogues Beyond Lighting), in which Mario participated together with Javier Mejía, Director of Strategic Marketing and Product at AENOR and Boris Delgado, ICT Certification Manager at AENOR to talk about this matter.
Cómo generar confianza en la digitalización (How to generate confidence in digitalization) | AENOR | Javier Mejía, Boris Delgado y Mario Piattini
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