Sicaman has obtained the certification of conformance to ISO/IEC 25000 Functional Suitability for their software product KnowLights. The certificate has been issued by AENOR after the evaluation from AQCLab.
The evaluation and certification of KnowLights has been carried out thanks to the collaboration between AENOR, AQCLab and Sicaman, following the software product quality evaluation and certification process, in which AQCLab has acted as the evaluation laboratory and has supported Sicaman in the improvement of the quality of its software product in order to achieve certification in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000.
The certified product, Knowlights, is an adaptable online training platform that allows courses to be delivered worldwide based on SaaS models. Based on the Moodle platform, it can be customised to the needs of clients and users, adding and configuring the modules required. KnowLights has an integrated solution in the platform to create interactive rooms with audio, webcam and screen sharing among other tools. It also allows tracking the progress of the students through the generation of reports, and allows its clients to market and invoice the courses created on the platform, providing a payment gateway.
The Functional Suitability evaluation helps to ensure that the software product being evaluated fully and correctly meets the requirements specified for it, thus helping to improve customer confidence and satisfaction, and providing a differentiating element with respect to its competitors.