The Alarcos Research Group hhas published together with AQCLab the book "Informática Cuántica" ("Quantum Computing"), written by colleagues Mario Piattini, Manuel Serrano, José Antonio Cruz and Ricardo Pérez del Castillo.
This book presents the basic concepts of quantum computing and the most well-known algorithms, offering a general overview of the technologies for implementing quantum computers, the main quantum programming languages and tools, as well as the most active research areas in this field.
In addition to this overview of the current state of the art, the book also presents some questions about the implementation and future of quantum computing.
It is therefore a perfect book to get acquainted with the quantum computing world, a field that has sparked great interest in recent years, since its application covers several areas of knowledge and business, and its expectations are extraordinary due to the power it will provide to solve problems that are impossible with current classical technology because of the computational time they would require.
The book is available on Amazon, both as a Kindle device version and as a softcover print edition.
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