Mantenimiento y Evolución de Sistemas de Información, authored by Ricardo Pérez del Castillo, Ignacio García, Francisco Ruíz, Macario Polo and Mario Piattini, presents the fundamental concepts related to the maintenance and evolution of information systems, and offers a systematic treatment of the international standards related to the maintenance process and software maintainability. In addition, several proven methodologies are proposed to address the maintenance of information systems, analysing some techniques and tools that can facilitate the evolution of software.
For decades, the maintenance and evolution of information systems has been one of the main sources of concern for managers and directors of organisations, due to the problem that often results from the impossibility of adapting existing software to new requirements or technological changes. For this reason, throughout this work, academic rigour has been combined with practical experience, providing a current and complete overview of the problems associated with the maintenance and evolution of information systems.
You can purchase the book on Amazon, both as a Kindle version and as a softcover print edition.
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