Gobierno, Gestión y Calidad de la Inteligencia Artificial

The book "Gobierno, Gestión y Calidad de la Inteligencia Artificial", edited by the Alarcos Research Group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, is now available on Amazon.

"Gobierno, Gestión y Calidad de la Inteligencia Artificial", authored by AQCLab's Scientific Director Mario Piattini, provides an overview of the main standards and techniques for governance, management and quality assurance of intelligent systems. Based on the best practices compiled in this book, organisations will be able to address the challenges posed by AI by developing and deploying their own AI governance, quality and management systems in accordance with the most appropriate rights, ethical principles and engineering fundamentals.

Artificial Intelligence is increasingly influencing people's daily lives and plays a key role in the digital transformation of businesses and public bodies, thanks to its ability to automate and facilitate decision-making. The benefits that intelligent systems can bring are extraordinary, but even greater can be the risks they entail. This is why in recent years there has been so much emphasis on the need for ‘trusted’ (‘responsible’) AI, which respects legal and ethical issues, and which allows robust intelligent systems to be built and operated.

You can purchase the book on Amazon, both as a Kindle version and as a softcover print edition.


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