[JUNE 2023] Mario Piattini receives the distinction Doctor Honoris Causa by the UNLP

Mario Piattini receives the distinction Doctor Honoris Causa by the UNLP

Mario Piattini, scientific director of AQCLab, has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). The distinction was presented by the president of the UNLP Martín López Armengol, together with the dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Marcelo Naiouf. The ceremony took place within the framework of the XI Jornadas de Cloud Computing, Big Data & Emerging Topics (JCC-BD&ET) organised by the Faculty of Informatics.

López Armengol highlighted the recognition of Mario as an entrepreneurial professional with a great trajectory in the academic and scientific field and in his work in technology transfer, with important contributions to spin offs that are committed to social innovation from technology-based companies.

Mario stressed that "it is an honour to receive this recognition from the UNLP" and that "it is a boost to continue working in the field of information systems, seeking to improve their quality and sustainability to ultimately improve the quality of people and society".

[JUNE 2023] AQCLab will collaborate with IMQ Ibérica for the certification of software and data quality

AQCLab will collaborate with IMQ Ibérica for the certification of software and data quality

AQCLab and IMQ Ibérica have reached an agreement to promote and improve the quality of software and data with ISO/IEC 25000.

To this end, AQCLab, as the first and only laboratory accredited internationally by ENAC/ILAC, will carry out software quality and/or data quality evaluations. Subsequently, IMQ Ibérica, as an international certification body, will be responsible for auditing the companies that wish to certify their products and, based on the laboratory's report, issue a certificate for the quality of the software product and/or data.

Thanks to this agreement, IMQ Ibérica and AQCLab will collaborate to provide service to practically all sectors where software and data quality are of vital importance for their business today.

[MAY 2023] Defense of the PhD thesis Cyberdata: assessment and certification of data cybersecurity

Defensa de tesis Javier Verdugo

Yesterday, 18 May, our colleague Javier Verdugo defended his PhD thesis entitled "Cyberdata: evaluación y certificación de la cibersguridad de los datos" (Cyberdata: assessment and certification of data cybersecurity).

This thesis, directed by Moisés Rodríguez and Mario Piattini, director and scientific director of AQCLab respectively, proposes an environment for the assessment and certification of cybersecurity specifically focused on data, adapting the international standards ISO/IEC 25012, ISO/IEC 25024 and ISO/IEC 25040.

Our thanks also go to the members of the doctoral thesis tribunal, Javier Garzás from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Marian Moraga from UCLM and José David Patón from SimulaMet (Norway).

Defensa de tesis Javier Verdugo

[APRIL 2023] AQCLab collaborates in a paper on security in quantum computing published in the journal Neurocomputing

Let’s do it right the first time: Survey on security concerns in the way to quantum software engineering

AQCLab AQCLab has collaborated with the Alarcos Research Group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha and the University of Deusto in the paper Let’s do it right the first time: Survey on security concerns in the way to quantum software engineering, published in volume 538 of the journal Neurocomputing.

With the advent of quantum computing, new quantum-specific development languages and platforms are emerging. With them, the first security vulnerabilities that may affect them are also beginning to be identified.

This paper presents a review and analysis of these first emerging security vulnerabilities, which could hinder the progress of quantum computing, as well as its transition and development in the industry. In this way, and following the experience in classical software development, the static analysis testing technique is analysed as a possible candidate to improve security in quantum software development.

Being aware that there is currently a lack of tools, techniques and knowledge necessary in relation to quantum software development, the paper sets out the first steps of what would be a roadmap to ensure secure quantum software development.

[APRIL 2023] "Métodos de Investigación en Informática" now available on Amazon

Métodos de Investigación en Informática

The book "Métodos de Investigación en Informática", edited by AQCLab and the Alarcos Research Group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, is now available on Amazon.

Métodos de Investigación en Informática, authored by Marcela Genero, Mario Piattini and José A. Cruz-Lemus from the Alarcos Group, together with Óscar Díez from UPV, presents in a clear and precise way the main research methods applicable in computer science, showing concrete examples of their application, making known the main problems in their use, as well as the resources that can help to a more effective use of these methods; all of this with the intention of increasing the quality of the research that is carried out in computer engineering and that allows to promote the transfer of technology in this field.

In recent years, a series of guidelines and techniques have been developed within Computer Engineering that allow research to be carried out in a rigorous manner. On the other hand, organisations have realised the need to experimentally test many beliefs and new techniques that are proposed in different fields of computer science. Therefore, this book addresses the main primary research techniques (surveys, experiments, case studies, action research, and design science) as well as systematic literature reviews and models of collaboration between academia and industry.

You can purchase the book on Amazon, both as a Kindle version and as a softcover print edition.


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