[JUNE 2021] The importance of process and product quality for both software and data is fatured in the AENOR magazine

Garantizar la calidad del software y los datos

AENOR has created the Trust Platform: "Ensuring Software and Data Quality", which includes solutions for the existing risks that organisations face in the creation, maintenance, and quality of software and data. The issue 370 of the AENOR magazine (June 2021) presents this platform, which includes solutions for software processes and products as well as solutions for data quality.

The solutions for software processes and products include: 

  • Certification of quality and maturity of Software Life Cycle Processes to ISO 33000/ISO 12207, which aims to achieve quality in software engineering processes.
  • Certification of Software Product Quality to ISO 25010, which determines the quality of the software product by evaluating different characteristics, such as maintainability (capability of the software product to be modified effectively, efficiently and without errors) or functional suitability (capability of the software product to comply with the user's requirements).

The data quality solutions established are: 

  • Certification of Data Governance, Management and Quality processes to ISO 33000/ISO 8000-MAMD, which establishes a Data Engineering Cycle through the maturity of processes to ensure good data governance, management and quality.
  • Certification of Data Product Quality to ISO 25012, which aims at the quality of the repositories or databases themselves (whether they are files, relational databases, NO-SQL databases, data warehouses, data lakes, big data, etc.), considering the business rules and the data as the main asset in organisations.

AQCLab collaborates with AENOR in all these solutions, having qualified lead auditors for ISO 33000/ISO 12207 and ISO 33000/ISO 8000-MAMD in the certification of software and data governance, management and quality processes; and being the accredited evaluation laboratory that carries out software product and data product evaluations in which ISO 25000 certifications are based.

The article also presents the experiences of Siemens Mobility España in ISO 33000/ISO 12207 certification and of Buró de Crédito, in a wide range of ISO standards, including ISO 33000/ISO 12207 and ISO 25000 certification for Data Quality, making them pioneers in Mexico and Latam in this certification.

[APRIL 2021] Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, first Public Administration worldwide to obtain ISO/IEC 25000 Software Product Quality certification for the Functional Suitability characteristic

Certificación ISO/IEC 25010 en el Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

The issue 368 of the AENOR magazine (April 2021) features an article on the Software Product Functional Suitability certification obtained by the Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico for their product eGLU-box PA product, confirming its compliance with the functional requirements for which this platform was designed.

Based on the evaluation carried out by AQCLab, AENOR has awarded the Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MISE) the Software Product certificate in compliance with ISO/IEC 25000, becoming the first Public Administration in the international arena to achieve this certification.

The eGLU-box PA tool is a software tool for Public Administration that allows users to create usability tests of their web pages using real users to study their meaningful behavior, access the results of data analysis and exploit functionalities that allow to detect possible problems in this field.

The ISO/IEC 25010 certification was the culmination of an extensive re-engineering process, from the first version of the prototype to the final realization of the platform. This has made it possible to obtain a result that, in some respects, has exceeded the expectations set out in the project objectives.

[MARCH 2021] AQCLab's experiences in the evaluation and certification of Data Quality published in the Journal of Systems and Software

Data quality certification using ISO/IEC 25012: Industrial experiences

The Journal of Systems and Software includes in its May 2021 issue the article Data quality certification using ISO/IEC 25012: Industrial experiences, in which the AQCLab team describes in a practical way the results of the data quality evaluation and certification process on the repositories of three organizations belonging to different industry and service sectors.

Given the growing importance of data as the main driver of value in companies, AQCLab provides its data quality evaluation service. The published article details how the ISO/IEC 25000-based data quality evaluation and certification process was carried out on the data repositories of three organizations. AQCLab has collaborated as an accredited evaluation laboratory in this process, together with DQTeam and the Alarcos Research Group, who participated as data quality consultants. Based on the evaluations carried out by AQCLab, the organizations were subsequently able to obtain a certificate of conformance with ISO/IEC 25012 issued by AENOR for their repositories.

The experiences carried out showed how the evaluationand certification of data helps to increase confidence and improve the reliability of the data with which organizations work, and enables them to gain a deeper understanding of their business processes. In addition, data quality evaluation helps to detect and mitigate risks related to data quality in the organizations' repositories.

[FEBRUARY 2021] The product Selene Discern by CGM Clinical España obtains the ISO/IEC 25000 Functional Suitability certificate


CGM Clinical España has obtained the certification of conformance to ISO/IEC 25000 Functional Suitability for their software product CGM Selene Discern. The certificate has been issued by AENOR after the evaluation from AQCLab, in which Selene Discern achieved the maximum quality level rating (level 5). 

This is another case of software product evaluation and certification carried out through the collaboration between AENOR, AQCLab and the developer CGM Clinical España, in which the software product quality evaluation and certification process has been followed in order to achieve certification in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000 for their product Selene Discern.

CGM Selene Discern is a clinical workflow system that can be integrated into the CGM Selene hospital management and Electronic Health Record system. Its objective is to optimize hospital workflows, both clinical and administrative, reduce execution times and improve efficiency in communication between teams, patient safety and documentation quality.

Discern is conceived as a decision support system, which allows the definition and monitoring of patient workflows that are triggered by rules. The workflows defined by Discern guide the user through a protocolized treatment given a set of patient conditions. The rules that trigger the workflows can be defined based on conditions related to indicator values or events occurring in the system (receipt of laboratory or vital signs indicators, admissions, discharges, pre-discharges, transfers, etc.).

The Functional Suitability evaluation aims to assure users and customers that the software product being evaluated fully and correctly meets the requirements specified for it, thus helping to improve confidence and satisfaction, and providing a differentiating element with respect to its competitors.

[OCTOBER 2020] Sicaman obtains the ISO/IEC 25000 Functional Suitability certificate for their product CHAPP

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Sicaman Nuevas Tecnologías has obtained the certification of conformance to ISO/IEC 25000 Functional Suitability for their software product CHAPP. The certificate has been issued by AENOR after the evaluation from AQCLab.

The evaluation and certification of CHAPP 1.1 has been carried out thanks to the collaboration between AENOR, AQCLab and SICAMAN, following the software product quality evaluation and certification process, in which AQCLab has acted as the evaluation laboratory and has supported SICAMAN in the improvement of the quality of its software product in order to achieve certification in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000.

The certified product, CHAPP, is a registration and clocking control tool that provides a mechanism for companies to respond to legislation on the control of staff working hours. This tool provides and supports advanced clocking options, such as geolocation or photo clocking, as well as other functionalities that make it adaptable to any company and user, such as the definition of personalized schedules, break control, the generation of different types of reports, the request for modifications on the daily records, or the security protection of the mobile application with Face ID.

The Functional Suitability evaluation helps to ensure that the software product being evaluated fully and correctly meets the requirements specified for it, thus helping to improve customer confidence and satisfaction, and providing a differentiating element with respect to its competitors.


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