Electronic Identification has obtained the ISO/IEC 25000 - Functional Suitability certification issued by AENOR for its software product Video ID 2.0. For this, this product has reached the highest quality level (5) in the Functional Suitability evaluation performed by the accredited laboratory AQCLab
This certification has been made possible thanks to the collaboration between AENOR, AQCLab and Electronic Identification, following the software product evaluation and certification process. Thus, AQCLab has evaluated the software product Video ID 2.0 and has supported Electronic Identification in improving its quality to achieve ISO/IEC 25000 certification.
The product Video ID 2.0 is a service that combines video streaming and an artificial intelligence algorithm to give technical security to the process of telematic identification and registration, performing checks in real time that allow instant conclusions about the authenticity of identity documents as well as their relationship to the person being identified.
Through Functional Suitability evaluation, it can be ensured that a software product complies fully and correctly with the specified requirements. In addition, the evaluation of the Functional Suitability helps to improve customer confidence and satisfaction, as well as being a differentiating element from the competition.
Moisés Rodríguez, Director of AQCLab, will offer next Monday 1st October 2018 at 17:00 Spanish time a free webinar, organized by Argentesting and with the collaboration of Qualitas Test Team, to talk about the importance of Software product quality, its evaluation possibilities under the ISO/IEC 25000 standard and the benefits of its improvement and certification.
ISO/IEC 25000 is a family of standards that aims to guide the development of software products by specifying quality requirements and evaluating quality characteristics.
The improvement based on and the certification in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000, help, among other benefits, to ensure that the software meets the needs of its customers, reduce errors during software operation and therefore corrective actions, reduce maintenance effort and costs, and ultimately improve customer confidence and satisfaction.
You can sign up in the following form.
AQCLab has collaborated with the Alarcos Research Group (J. David Patón-Romero and Mario Piattini) of the University of Castilla-La Mancha and with the University of Bari (Maria Teresa Baldassarre) in the development of the work "Green IT Governance and Management based on ISO/IEC 15504", published in the journal Computer Standards & Interfaces, Volume 60.
In a context where organizations around the world are increasingly concerned about the environment, adopting sustainable practices in their business processes, Green IT is the set of practices in the field of information technology (IT) aligned with this concern for the efficient use of computing resources while minimizing the environmental impact.
This work, which will be published in the November 2018 print issue of the magazine, provides a framework for implementing and improving Green IT practices in an efficient and integrated manner. Thus, a maturity model based on ISO/IEC 15504 is presented to help organizations implement the governance and management of Green IT gradually, as well as to improve their maturity level in this area.
You can access the work in the following link.
AQCLab and AENOR have released the new Modelo de Madurez de Ingeniería del Software (Software Engineering Maturity Model), Version 2.0 (MMIS V.2)
This book presents AENOR's Software Engineering maturity model, MMIS v2.0, which is based on the new family of standards ISO/IEC 33000, which has replaced the old family of standards ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE), and on the new version of ISO/IEC 12207:2017. In addition, the book aims to be a tool for the implementation and use of these standards with the goal of achieving more agile and efficient software processes, resulting in better quality products and services.
The MMIS v2.0 model has already been implemented in several organizations, one of which is Telefonica, who carried out the improvement of their software development processes, and the other one is Biblioteca de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, who carried out the improvement of their data Governance, Management and Quality processes.
You can purchase the book in your preferred format (PDF, EPUB or Paper) at AENOR's website.
The radio program "Investiga Que No Es Poco" featured an interview with the scientific director of AQCLab, professor of the University of Castilla-La Mancha and founder/director of the Alarcos Research Group, Dr. Mario piattini.
The interview revolved around the importance of software and, in particular, data in today's society, in which our well-being and our way of relating to our environment depend to a large extent on the quality of the information systems we use daily. The interview discusses the quality of data as a key element to extract useful information to help make appropriate decisions in organizations, as well as the criticality of security and privacy of data, the importance of training software engineers that can adapt to market needs, and also the current and future state of the ITC sector.
The program aired on the 13th of May, and you can listen to the podcast on the website of CMMedia (in Spanish).
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