[JULY 2019] e-Comitia by ARES obtains the ISO/IEC 25000 certificate after the evaluation by AQCLab


The product e-Comitia, developed by Ares has obtained the ISO/IEC 25000 certificate for Functional Suitability. Ares has participated in the certification as developer of the e-Comitia software product, AENOR as issuer of the certificate, and AQCLab as the evaluation laboratory, also providing support in the improvement of product quality in order to achieve the ISO/IEC 25000 certification.

e-Comitia is an online voting platform that allows you to manage elections, queries and surveys with all the technological guarantees for security and confidentiality. The product provides the following functionalities:

  • Validation of votes by the members of a Validation Committee, allowing to verify languages, validation methods, census, auditors, auditors and even simulate the vote.
  • Responsive design for use from any device with internet connection.
  • Remote authentication to verify that the person trying to vote belongs to the corresponding census and has not already exercised the vote.
  • Authentication throuhg electronic signature or a random identification code sent by SMS.
  • Registration of in-person vote, to avoid double voting.
  • Guarantee that the vote cannot be manipulated or replaced: voting certificate in PDF where it stores its "hash" (unique alphanumeric representation), signature with an Entity Seal issued by the FNMT, a second "hash" that represents the entire signed pdf certificate, and a Time Seal also issued by the FNMT.
  • Counting of votes preserving the guarantee of confidentiality of the vote.

Functional Suitability evaluation allows to assure potential customers that the software product evaluated complies completely and correctly with its requirements specification, thus helping to improve customer confidence and satisfaction, and providing a differentiating element from its competition.

[July 2019] AQCLab develops a work on the application of ISO 14000 to Green IT Governance and Management

Application of ISO 14000 to Information Technology Governance and Management

AQCLab has collaborated with the Alarcos Research Group (J. David Patón-Romero and Mario Piattini) of the University of Castilla-La Mancha and with the University of Bari (Maria Teresa Baldassarre) in the development of the work "Application of ISO 14000 to Information Technology Governance and Management", published in the journal Computer Standards & Interfaces of ScienceDirect, Volume 65.

The article presents a proposal for the implementation of Green IT initiatives within the framework of the ISO 14000 family of standards, bringing it closer to the area of Information Technology, which has traditionally not been taken into consideration and which is highly relevant for organizations concerned about sustainability.

It is an adequate and coherent proposal, validated by experts, which covers all areas related to Information Technologies. Thus, this proposal demonstrates the applicability of the ISO 14000 family of standards to IT by means of Green IT, presenting a complete framework that is useful in practice when implementing the governance and management of Green IT.

Thanks to this proposal, organizations have a standardized guide not only for the implementation of Green IT, but also for obtaining international and recognized certifications in this field.

[MAY 2019] AQCLab meets Lucentia and CDTI for the evaluation of the DQIoT project


AQCLab, Lucentia Labs, Grupo Alarcos and Lucentia Research Group got together at Torre Juana to show CDTI the evolution and progress made in the DQIoT project, which aims to develop a framework for Data Quality Management of IoT Products.

DQIoT is an EUREKA project financed by CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) which is being carried out by the consortium formed by AQCLab, Lucentia Labs, Grupo Alarcos and Lucentia Research Group together with GTOne and Myongji University

IoT is a new industrial revolution in which machines can collaborate intelligently with each other for better results. This revolution relies on the growing capabilities of different physical devices that are capable of capturing and exchanging data. But product operations can fail if the data generated and exchanged does not have the right levels of quality. Therefore, organizations need to implement a number of data quality management activities to optimize these operations.

Faced with the limited supply of data quality management solutions for IoT solution environments, the consortium members have proposed the development of a framework for data quality management in the management of the service lifecycle of IoT products.

Reunión DQIoT 2019 AQCLab Lucentia

[MARCH 2019] Olucaro Dashboard by SICAMAN NT obtains the ISO/IEC 25000 certificate after the evaluation by AQCLab

Sicaman Nuevas Tecnologías

The product Olucaro Dashboard, developed by Sicaman-NT has obtained the ISO/IEC 25000 certificate for Functional Suitability. Sicaman-NT has participated in the certification as developer of the Olucaro Dashboard software product, AENOR as issuer of the certificate, and AQCLab as the evaluation laboratory, also providing support in the improvement of product quality in order to achieve the ISO/IEC 25000 certification.

Olucaro dashboard is a business dashboard management tool based on the "Balanced scorecard" methodology, with the objective of controlling an organization's processes (finance, commercial, operations, human resources...) based on defined objectives and indicators. It provides the following features:

  • Create dashboards with graphic elements to intuitively identify the evolution of business objectives and indicators.
  • Export the dashboards to Excel format for use in other systems and update them from autogenerated Excel templates to ease massive updates of data.
  • Communicate with an online private chat and a notification system that improves the comunication amongs people involved in the management of the indicators.
  • Share objectives and indicators of the dashboard with different users, easing collaborative work.
  • Attach and share documents of any kind and relating tthem to the indicators of the Dashboard, easing the access, guaranteeing that all users manage the same information and ensuring the consistency of the data and the indicators used.

Functional Suitability evaluation allows to assure potential customers that the software product evaluated complies completely and correctly with its requirements specification, thus helping to improve customer confidence and satisfaction, and providing a differentiating element from its competition.

[NOVEMBER 2018] Pro Investment Development Advisors - Pro Ideas, first Peruvian and Latin American entity to obtain the ISO/IEC 25000 – Functional Suitability certificate


Pro Investment Development Advisors - Pro Ideas is the first Peruvian and Latin American entity to obtain the AENOR certificate in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000 - Functional Suitability for its product ProEducative 3.0. In the evaluation of the Functional Adequacy carried out by the accredited laboratory AQCLab, ProEducative reached a quality mark of 4 (out of 5).

We at AQCLab want to congratulate Pro Investment Development Advisors for being the first entity in Peru and Latin America to obtain the software product quality certificate in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000.

The product ProEducative, iis an intelligent virtual educational administration platform to improve the learning process of in-person, synchronous virtual and asynchronous virtual educational systems, for the management of training in companies. ProEducative allows for the management of face-to-face, blended and virtual courses within an interactive web environment, with applications that allow students to study from anywhere, closely monitoring progress, performance and periodicity.


The certification in Functional Adequacy provides the following benefits:

  • Ensuring that your product meets the needs of your customers.
  • Reduction of errors in the deployed product.
  • Better customer confidence and satisfaction.

You can obtain more information about our software quality evaluation services by contacting us through our form.


phone 20 +34 676 97 57 83

correo 20 contacto@aqclab.es

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