[NOVEMBER 2021] Mario Piattini among the world's top researchers

Mario Piattini among the world's top researchers

Mario Piattini, Scientific Director of AQCLab is among the best researchers in the world according to the latest edition of the ranking prepared by John P. A. Ioannidis (Stanford University, USA) and co-authors, which analyses their scientific production and the number of times they have been cited, among other criteria.

In this way, Mario de is placed at the top of the international science and technology system by virtue of the ranking carried out by Stanford University and published in the journal PlosBiology. The work is based on the information contained in the Scopus database to evaluate scientists by the impact of their citations. Overall, it shows the contributions of the top 100,000 researchers in all fields according to the composite citation index, as well as other colleagues who are in the top 2% of scientists in their main discipline.

The latest update of the study Updated science-wide author databases of standardised citation indicators, known as the Stanford ranking, shows that, overall, Spain is ranked 13th in terms of the number of researchers in the career list and 11th in the list.

[OCTOBER 2021] AQCLab partners with aQuantum to research quantum software quality improvement

AQCLab partners with aQuantum to research quatum software quality improvement

AQCLab, member of aQNetwork, has become one of the first QuantumPath Research Partners. This way, AQCLab and aQuantum will collaborate for assuring and improving quantum software quality.

The QuantumPath Research Partner Agreement provides organizations such as AQCLab with access to and use of QuantumPath, the platform for the development and life cycle of quantum algorithms and software applications.

The idea is to propose a specific quantum software quality model aligned with the general ISO/IEC standards family, considering the special nature of quantum computing. In terms of metrics, most of the research deals with the measurement of the power of quantum computing (e.g., quantum volume), but there are very few metrics conceived specifically for quantum software. It is very important to have both agnostic and technology-specific metrics to boost large-scale production of quantum software with an adequate quality level.

To achieve the expected goals of the collaboration, aQuantum and AQCLab will carry out several Proofs of Concept (PoC) and industrial case studies in this area with QuantumPath.

[OCTOBER 2021] AQCLab participates in the IEEE Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering

2nd Quantum Software Engineering and Technology Workshop

The Alarcos Research Group in collaboration with aQuantum have organised the second edition of the Quantum Software Engineering and Technology Workshop (QuSET) held in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (IEEE Quantum Week).

In this edition, Javier Verdugo and Moisés Rodríguez of AQCLab took the opportunity to participe in this workshop and raise awareness of the need to produce quality quantum software with their talk "Software Quality Issues in Quantum Information Systems".

In this way, AQCLab continues researching on how to adapt or create new techniques and environments to ensure the quality of software processes and products that use new technologies, such as quantum computing.

The workshop also covered topics such as the challenges of offering quantum computing services and quantum applications in the cloud, proposals for the development, engineering and testing of quantum software, the challenges of the hybrid model for microservices integrating classical and quantum computing, and aspects related to cybersecurity, among others.

[SEPTEMBER 2021] AQCLab participates in Transforming Lighting 2021

Transforming Lighting 2021

Mario Piattini, scientific director of AQCLab has participated in the Transforming Lighting 2021 Dialogues, a pioneering meeting and dissemination platform for companies in the lighting sector. It is a hybrid format event that combines the power of digital mass communication channels with the interaction of a face-to-face event.

Transforming Lighting aims to connect lighting with other strategic sectors to share experiences among experts in a hybrid environment. In this context, Digital Transformation is one of the great challenges that companies have been facing for many years.

Generating confidence in companies immersed in these digitalisation processes is one of the key issues addressed in the "Diálogos más allá de la ilumninación" (Dialogues Beyond Lighting), in which Mario participated together with Javier Mejía, Director of Strategic Marketing and Product at AENOR and Boris Delgado, ICT Certification Manager at AENOR to talk about this matter.

Cómo generar confianza en la digitalización (How to generate confidence in digitalization) | AENOR | Javier Mejía, Boris Delgado y Mario Piattini

[JULY 2021] AQCLab sponsors the Spanish Congress of Informatics 20/21

AQCLab collaborates as a sponsor of CEDI 20/21: VI Congreso Español de Informática (Spanish Congress of Informatics), which will take place from 22 to 24 September 2021 in Malaga.

CEDI aims to serve as a meeting point for professionals dedicated to research, development, innovation and university teaching in the field of computer engineering. It has been structured as a multi-congress, made up of a series of events corresponding to Congresses, Conferences and Meetings that are held periodically. CEDI covers all the fields currently involved in computer science, presenting the most innovative aspects and those with the greatest future projection, always from an eminently university and scientific perspective.

In addition, common activities are developed, including round tables and plenary conferences dealing with topics such as Computer Science and Research, Computer Science and Training, relations with companies and the Computer Science profession. CEDI is also a means of fostering relations and exchanges between the different Ibero-American countries in the ever-expanding field of computer science.

VI Congreso Español de Informática 20/21


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