AQCLab participates in the 4th edition of the book "Calidad de Sistemas de Información" (Quality of Information Systems), written by the Scientific Director of AQCLab, Mario Piattini, together with the colleagues form the Alarcos Research Group Felix García, Ignario Rodriguez and Francisco Pino.
This book comprehensively addresses the different elements that impact the quality of information systems and the different points of view to approach them:
Thus, "Calidad de Sistemas de Información" brings together the different aspects of quality related to these different elements, offering a current and complete overview of various models and standards that can be followed to achieve quality information systems, combining scientific rigor with hands-on experience.
Telefónica has obtained the first certificate worldwide of conformance to ISO/IEC 33000 and ISO/IEC 12207:2017, which has been issued by AENOR. These standards are aimed to evaluate the the Maturity of the Software Life Cycle Processes, and Telefónica has reached a level 3 of maturity after the evaluation carried out by the auditors of AENOR.
With this milestone, Telefónica becomes the first organization to achieve the new certification ISO 33000 for the maturity in the development of software, which will soon be replacing and applying to the rest of the companies that are currently certified in conformance to the previous ISO/IEC 15504 standard.
From here, AQCLab wants to congratulate both Telefónica, for the milestone achieved, and the AENOR audit team, of which AQCLab has been part.
Javier Magdalena, director of Digital Business of Telefónica, and Manuel Romero, director of Sectorial Marketing of AENOR, during the official delivery of the certificate
After the first success cases with the MAMD data process management model and the evaluation of data quality in conformane to ISO/IEC 25000, which led to the issue of the first certificate to ICEMD, ComputerWorld University conducts an interview to our scientific director Mario Piattini in which they talk about the models defined in collaboration between AENOR, AQCLab and DQTeam for evaluating, improving and certifying data quality.
In the interview, focused on the relevance of Data as the most important asset of an organization, it is also discussed the growing importance that data is acquiring with the new SMACT technologies (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Big Data, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things) and digital transformation, every day more present in organizations.
Another point that is debated is the need to manage data quality and implement data governance in order to ensure that data is reliable and that processes where data is managemd and used are aligned with the objectives of the organization, as well as as the role of the CDO (Chief Data Officer) as responsible for said quality and governance of the data.
You can listen to the interview (in Spanish) in ComputerWorld University.
Universidade do Minho is the first Portuguese entity to obtain the AENOR certificate in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000 - Functional Suitability for its product Sistema Interno de Garantía da Qualidade da UMinho – Anonimato das respostas aos inquéritos pedagógicos, versión 1.0 (SIGAQ-UM 1.0). In the evaluation of the Functional Adequacy carried out by the accredited laboratory AQCLab, SIGAQ-UM reached a quality mark of 5 (out of 5).
We at AQCLab want to congratulate UMinho for being the first entity in Portugal to obtain the software product quality certificate in conformance to ISO/IEC 25000.
The product SIGAQ-UM 1.0, developed by Universidade do Minho, is an integral system for the assurance and management of the internal quality of the entity itself. The certification has focused on the module for the quality management of the teaching staff, verifying that the functionality of this module complies with the requirements related to the privacy and anonymity of the data of the students that complete the questionnaires.
The certification in Functional Adequacy provides the following benefits:
You can obtain more information about our software quality evaluation services by contacting us through our form.
At the ceremony of the "Premios Nacionales de Informática" (National Computing Awards), held on October 24, 2017 at the headquarters of the BBVA Foundation in Madrid, Mario Piattini, managing partner of AQCLab, has been awarded the Aritmel Prize by the Sociedad Científica Informática de España (SCIE - Computer Science Society of Spain).
This award is given to the researcher under 55 who has made outstanding scientific contributions in the area of computer engineering. The Aritmel award is part of the National Computing Awards, hosted by SCIE since 2005 to recognize well-established researchers and encourage computer research.
Director of the Alarcos research group of the Escuela Superior de Informática (University College of Computer Science) of Ciudad Real and a national and international researcher in the field of information systems quality, Mario Piattini is the most prolific Spanish author with the highest impact index in software engineering, and was included in 2011 in the "Top 15 scholars in the field of Systems and Software Engineering". He has published the most referenced books in Spanish on Software Engineering and Databases, and has directed 39 doctoral theses.
You can access more information about the winners in the 2016 edition in the following link:
You can listen to the interview (in Spanish) to Mario Piattini about the Aritmel prize for Cadena Ser.
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